Jan 5, 2018

Sleeping in Chaos

It was mid-morning and a long way from quiet.  One child was screaming out his frustration while another loudly insisted on her mother’s immediate attention. Cleaners were swapping jokes in Creole, mopping floors, and moving furniture in their never-ending effort to wipe out those nasty bacteria bugs that lurk about in nooks and crannies.  Nurses were pushing clanking carts loaded with equipment, taking temperatures, changing bandages and coaxing liquid medicine down unwilling throats. Doctors were consulting, instructions were clarified, and questions were being answered.

Nov 30, 2017

Inspiration Remembered

“It’ll probably snow next week,” Ann said. She was standing in front of the fold up table that was her kitchen counter and heating water on a green Coleman stove. I sat in one of the fold up chairs off to one side. Swinging my blue moonboots back and forth and not saying a word. Just watching. Trying to figure out how this woman would fit into my life. Why her furniture folded. And why she was living in a tent. In the Alaskan wilderness. In winter. 

Aug 26, 2017

Negotiating With Lucifer

“On Saturday I go back for three more months. I’ve lost my mojo and can’t find my why. I like to think  my why is out searching for my mojo and both will return in force but I can’t be sure. All I really want is to finish strong.” I looked over at him to see if he had heard.  Not only the words, but also the doubt in my ability to do what I wanted to do.

Aug 9, 2017

Old Depot Road

North of Lone Pine, California, past the only stoplight, the two local bars, and a bit further beyond the ice cream shop, sits the turnoff to the Old Depot Road. Tucked away and easy to miss is a battered and fading sign that reads “Narrow Gauge Road.” But nobody actually calls it that. If you see the town’s graveyard on the right, you know you’ve gone too far. 

Jun 26, 2017

I Get Jason Bourne

I get Jason Bourne.  Now, I could end it all right there and be done because I like to think that those who know me can read my mind.  That they will understand the message and will find those four words as funny as I find them to be.   But I’ve learned the hard way that mind reading is not something to bet on.  Caesars Palace gives better odds.  So, at the risk of sounding like my life is one big nonstop adventure (it’s not) or worse, coming across as being whiny (I’m not), I’ll dig this hole a bit deeper.