Nov 30, 2017

Inspiration Remembered

“It’ll probably snow next week,” Ann said. She was standing in front of the fold up table that was her kitchen counter and heating water on a green Coleman stove. I sat in one of the fold up chairs off to one side. Swinging my blue moonboots back and forth and not saying a word. Just watching. Trying to figure out how this woman would fit into my life. Why her furniture folded. And why she was living in a tent. In the Alaskan wilderness. In winter. 

Aug 26, 2017

Negotiating With Lucifer

“On Saturday I go back for three more months. I’ve lost my mojo and can’t find my why. I like to think  my why is out searching for my mojo and both will return in force but I can’t be sure. All I really want is to finish strong.” I looked over at him to see if he had heard.  Not only the words, but also the doubt in my ability to do what I wanted to do.

Aug 9, 2017

Old Depot Road

North of Lone Pine, California, past the only stoplight, the two local bars, and a bit further beyond the ice cream shop, sits the turnoff to the Old Depot Road. Tucked away and easy to miss is a battered and fading sign that reads “Narrow Gauge Road.” But nobody actually calls it that. If you see the town’s graveyard on the right, you know you’ve gone too far. 

Jun 26, 2017

I Get Jason Bourne

I get Jason Bourne.  Now, I could end it all right there and be done because I like to think that those who know me can read my mind.  That they will understand the message and will find those four words as funny as I find them to be.   But I’ve learned the hard way that mind reading is not something to bet on.  Caesars Palace gives better odds.  So, at the risk of sounding like my life is one big nonstop adventure (it’s not) or worse, coming across as being whiny (I’m not), I’ll dig this hole a bit deeper. 

Jun 3, 2017

Forces of Nature

Even forces of nature have a beginning and an end.  Storms, earthquakes, brilliant sunrises, and glowing sunsets.  The sights and sounds of an Aurora Borealis on a cold crisp night.  All come and go but not before changing the lives of those who have the privilege of experiencing the force of nature.  And so it is with our friend Dona.  Another magic maker who could not help but to create in the paths of those she crossed reflections on what is important in life; laughter and memories that last forever.

Apr 18, 2017

Imaginary Boyfriend

I went back and forth on whether or not to post this blog.  I mean normally I’m ok with posting things that embarrass me.  This one however embarrasses me at uncomfortable levels.  Which is, of course, exactly why it’s being posted.  I suppose it’s because I was raised with the belief that if it makes you uncomfortable, then do what you need to do to get comfortable with it.   We can credit my mother’s side of the family for this twisted yet effective approach for dealing with the truth.  Grandma pooped her pants?  Well let’s clean her up and talk about it until we’re laughing about it.  

Apr 5, 2017

Making Magic

The sun was setting on the 2015 Santa Fe Wine and Chili Festival and the autumn colors in the high desert were at their peaks.  We were in line for the shuttle that would take us to the vehicles that would then take us back to our real lives.  We were dragging our feet.  We just weren’t ready for the day to end.  And in the beauty that is randomness, her little group was standing in front of our little group and we started talking.  Surrounding our conversation were views of aspen trees changing colors in one direction and in the other, a seemingly endless wave of one mountain after another. 

Mar 22, 2017

Recommendations And Connections

There is a lot of stuff in this world to do, read, see, hear, visit, eat, enjoy, and avoid.  So much that for me it can make making decisions a bit overwhelming.  Call it the Paradox of Choice  if you like, but all I know is that I have reached a point where, whenever possible I now make the choice of following someone’s recommendations over making the decision for myself.  

Mar 10, 2017

Return to My World

“I suppose you’re transitioning to being back,” a friend commented, “How is that going?”   I responded with a “pshaw”.  You’ve seen it - that gesture of flipping a hand from a palm down and resting position to a full stop position that exposes the palm … all while blowing a raspberry.  I then dug deeper and made the ridiculous comment of, “Oh, I’ve been doing this for years.  I don’t even notice anymore.” What a crock.  Of course I’m going to notice a transition of returning to my world after living somewhere else in the world for nearly nine months.

Feb 24, 2017

Hope. And a Lifetime of Time.

Amalah is a woman in her forties who fell from her brother’s shoulders when she was a child.   In that moment of play when her head hit the ground, her emotional development came to a crashing end.   Medical professionals told Amalah’s parents she would remain forever with the brain of a five year old.   In the world I grew up in, this is a sad story.  And still, it is a story with hope. 

Jan 16, 2017

Coffee, Cigarettes, and Chemical Weapons

Far too often I make the mistake of believing I know exactly how the day will go before I even get out of bed.   And why wouldn’t I?  Only hours earlier I had tucked myself in with plans confirmed, schedules coordinated, and a list of things to do - each item with its own tick box.  And still, after all this time, I am surprised it surprises me when quite frequently, my days do not go as planned.