Mar 22, 2017

Recommendations And Connections

There is a lot of stuff in this world to do, read, see, hear, visit, eat, enjoy, and avoid.  So much that for me it can make making decisions a bit overwhelming.  Call it the Paradox of Choice  if you like, but all I know is that I have reached a point where, whenever possible I now make the choice of following someone’s recommendations over making the decision for myself.  

 I used to wonder if this approach classified me as indecisive.  But then I realized that it has nothing to do with being indecisive and everything to do with connection.  When I take someone’s recommendation, my enjoyment of whatever is selected increases.  And not because the selection is any better than what I would have selected -- in fact, sometimes it’s worse.  My enjoyment increases when I take someone's recommendation, regardless of the outcome, simply because my connection to that person strengthens. 

It occurred to me that this was what was going while on a month-long visit to Washington, D.C.   Why D.C.?  Because not one but two people recommended it to me at two completely different times. “Catherine, you should check out the D.C. area,” they both said, “you would like it.”  So I did.  And they were right.   Interesting how your friends know you better than you know yourself.

And because I took them up on their advice, the “cosmic cement” - as one friend calls those bonding moments in life - has strengthened.   Now they have skin in this game.  They are both an active part of this trip, making more suggestions and then, and here is the best part, sharing their memories of these places I’ve been.  Today I know more about these friends than I ever did upon arrival.  And let’s face it, they have saved me considerable time in researching where to go and what to do when the fact is, it doesn’t matter because for me, everything here is going to be new. 

Now, there has been one downside on this trip:  my price point for a bottle of wine has doubled.  The friend who once lived in the area suggested I connect with a friend of hers who now owns a wine shop.  Naturally I paid a visit to pass along her greetings and well wishes … and perhaps do a bit of shopping.

I thought it would be a quick visit but then he asked “Why do you like wine?”  And just like that, as I struggled to find an answer a bit more insightful than "Because it helps me forget," a new connection was created.  And because he is both serious and passionate about wine, he made some recommendations.  Which of course, I followed without question.  One visit turned into more and I am beginning to form an much better answer to this very important question.  By the way, the next time you find yourself in the D.C. area might I recommend you visit Cleveland Park Wine and Liquors.

And with a stock of wine and significant time saved, I could read the book my nephew recommended, The Lightning Thief, and learn more about what makes him tick.  I could watch The Country of Two Rivers, a documentary about Syria a friend recommended and understand better his perspective.  I could go to that little out-of-the-way dive, Fat Boy's Crab Shack, that I would never have found on my own.  And I can continue connecting, in the many millions of little ways that matter, with those that mean everything to me. 

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